This modern, stylish bouquet features a captivating blend of pink, fuchsia, and red tones, highlighted by elegant roses and anthuriums. While flower availability varies by season, we sometimes substitute different flowers to ensure the bouquet’s freshness and quality. Rest assured, the style and colour scheme will always remain consistent, delivering a beautiful and harmonious arrangement every time. Perfect for adding a touch of contemporary elegance to any space.
Please take note that the availability of our floral assortment may vary. In the case of any supply issues, we retain the absolute discretion to substitute any product with an alternative item of similar style, ensuring it possesses equal or superior value and quality. When substitutions are necessary, we make every effort to closely align with the original flower type and colour scheme.
Furthermore, as natural creations, the flowers may display subtle color variations. Some may manifest in darker or lighter tones compared to the initial presentation.
For proper care, we recommend trimming approximately 2.5cm from the ends of the stems at an angle before immersing them in fresh water, accompanied by the provided flower food. Maintain the flowers in a cool, draft-free setting, steering clear of direct heat or sunlight. Promptly remove any fading blooms or foliage, change the water every other day, and re-trim the stems as required.
Kindly, be aware that the blooms may vary slightly from the images displayed. This is because we carefully select flowers that are not fully open to ensure your bouquet stays fresh longer.